Try not to laugh.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Creative Manifesto

1. Don't Listen To Negativity

2. Understand When Someone is Genuinely Trying To Help

3. Don't Limit Yourself

4. Come Back to Unfinished Ideas, You Might Know How to Finish Now

5. There is Always Room for Improvement

6. Never Get Complacent

7. Don't Believe Your Own Hype

8. Consume As Much Media As Possible. It Expands Your Horizons

9. Find Creativity In Other Artists' Ideas, Just Don't Be Too Similar.

10. Be Yourself. Don't Try to Be Your Favorite Artist. Strive To Be Better Than Them

Thank you to anyone who read my blog this quarter. I know I missed a lot of assignments, but I've been going through a lot of shit stuff and I have few regrets on how it all turned out. Hopefully through all of this craziness I still did well enough to get better than a C in this class. If not, then I guess I'll see Eric again in the fall, as I'm sure spring quarter's already full. السلام عليكم.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ryan,

    I've been trying to go over everyon's blog this weekend and see if they wrote a manifesto. Yours is very positive, and that's important to me.

    On a personal note, I don't know anything about your life outside of class and the stage, but I do know you are a very funny and talented guy. If you keep at it, you'll be doing what you want in life.

    Keep your chin up.

