Try not to laugh.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 7 Blog

Our group for the joke video went in two very different directions. Obviously the affinity between the two videos comes mainly from the fact that both videos were created around the same joke. Also, the genres were the same, so the overall looks of the videos were similar. The directions we took the jokes in, however, were very different. The video that I wrote was the one that I also acted in. I wanted to create a lot more tension than the joke originally provided. Obviously, the more sexual version of the joke provided a higher tension. Visually, we tried to build tension through close ups and quick movement by me. We also used a lot of flat space to give the feel of how closed in and nervous my character was. I don't remember much about the video J.T. directed, as I was in class during some of the filming. However, I know that his was much more true to the original joke and used wider shots and deeper space, because his character didn't have reason to be as nervous as mine.

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